Your 1st Step to Anti-aging - Sun Protection

Sun Protection is the secret weapon against sun damage and ageing. As consumers, we are taught about the importance of sun protection to prevent brown spots or freckles and pigmentation.  And of course, if we want to maintain a fair skin, we turn to our sunscreens/sunblocks. But how much do you know about the Sun and what it does to our skin?

I used to think that putting on sunblock is a hassle and I didn't enjoy having a greasy feel on my skin especially in a hot and humid environment. Until one day, I desire to achieve a fair and even skin tone, I promised myself not to leave my house without applying sunblock. Today I have a better motivation to continue to protect my skin after I learned about the TRUE importance of sun protection. 

Some people neglect the importance of sun protection and this is perhaps they have yet to realise that the Sun contributes to skin ageing. Eventhough we do not see the signs of sun damage and aging on our skin after a few hours of sun exposure, the fact is things are already happening within our skin as soon as it is exposed to the sun.

The sun emits UV rays and they are UVB and UVA. UVB (B-burning) rays are responsible for sunburns and UVA (A-ageing) contributes to skin ageing. But the concern is how does these rays damage our skin and cause the lines and wrinkles? The diagram below explains it all.

UVB penetrates the epidermis and causes:
1. skin dryness - you get rough and flaky skin which is really unsightly! And dry skin is more prone to lines & wrinkles.

2. Sunburn - who likes a tomato-like skin?

3. Stimulation of melanocytes to produce melanin actively - this is how you get brown spots, freckles and pigmentation.

UVA penetrates deep into the dermis layer and causes:
1. Skin dryness

2. Break down of collagen and elastin - The curly-like structures are the collagen. Its structure is broken, causing wrinkles and loss of firmness.

So now we understand the importance of sun protection. Besides preventing skin tanning and burning, we want to take it as a first step to anti-aging. Start your anti-aging step early, do not wait until you see the first lines on your face. You do not get to twist the clock back and definitely can't restore the collagen that is already damaged. If you tend to forget about your sunscreen, keep this picture in mind! 

So stay protected!=)


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